Thursday, October 21, 2010

“The Book of Sand” by Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina)

I learned from the story “The Book of Sand” that the people who live in Argentina love to read bibles. They like to trade for weird book. When they got something weird, they never show it to others because they are scared other will steal it. They always keep the thing they had as a secret. Sometime, they will hide their book in a secret place and let it be there forever without telling anyone because it was their treasure.
Some of the things that related to the “Book of Sand” are people love to text on their cell phone and they always talk on face book. They use these technologies to connect with people and they can’t get rid of these or stop. Another infinitely informational phenomenon is online games because people can’t stop playing them and they make those people drown into their world. The games make people addicted. I think games really make people go crazy sometimes because some people can’t stop playing it. When they are playing games they don’t care about other business that they have.
By: Xiong Her

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